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Current Career Opportunities at Lake Ozark Fire
Are you looking for a challenging and rewarding career in public safety? Look no further than the Lake Ozark Fire Protection District! We are always on the lookout for dedicated first responders to join our team of Firefighter EMTs or Firefighter Paramedics.
We offer a positive work culture and advancement opportunities for hard workers with a career-centric mentality. Our world class firefighter training programs will help you develop the skills and knowledge necessary to excel in your career.
Check out our open job listings and apply today to join our dedicated team.
We look forward to hearing from you!
LOFPD Employment Opportunities
Firefighter & EMS Associations: Join Now
Joining a firefighter or EMS association is a great way to network with other professionals in your field and gain access to valuable resources and training opportunities. At Lake Ozark Fire Protection District, we are active in a number of associations for firefighters and EMS providers.
Whether you are a current member or are looking to join, our associations offer a range of benefits and opportunities for professional development. Click below to learn more and join today!